Beginning public, private, or alternative schooling for exceptional children and parents can be an extremely difficult process. We must “power up”as we prepare to take these new learners on a unique journey tobecomesolution driven, creative risk takers, and empowered leaders. In doing so, consideration of proper placement within the environment/classroom is critical as we facilitate the learning of exceptional students. Each student will have varying environmental needs that allow him/her to be comfortable in their surroundings with freedom to learn and grow academically. Whether concerned about proximity, space, or transitions each facet of the school environment may affect a student with disabilities. In turn, this may alter their ability to progress academically and work diligentlytoward closing the existing educational gap.



To support the transition, the expectation is that we regularly communicate with the other adults associated with the students. As educators, we strive to drive students onward, therefore collecting, analyzing, and sharing data is key. This may be teacher-to-teacher, parent to teacher, teacher to student or teacher to other support staff. Open lines of communication will place the student in a position to gain new knowledge and develop toward becominga purposefulmember of a classroom in the least restrictive environment.